Our Species

Albert's Lyrebird

The total population of Albert's Lyrebird is estimated at 3,500 birds throughout NSW and South-east Qld. More widespread prior the 20th century, the species has one of the smallest ranges, extending between the Blackwall Range near Alstonville in NSW and the Mistake Range in Qld . 

With only 10 sub-populations left, it’s classified as a Threatened Species under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. In NSW, studies predict fewer than 800 mating pairs remain. 

The greatest population densities are found in Whian Whian State Conservation Area and the smallest in Uralba Nature Reserve where there are fewer than 10 birds.  
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Marbled Frogmouth

The Marbled Frogmouth occurs in Queensland south from Gladstone and inland to the Burnett Range. In NSW its range is said to extend east from the Richmond Range and north to the Queensland Border, although earlier records show the bird exists further south. Marbled Frogmouth is also listed as Threatened Species under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. 

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What is a flagship species?

 Albert’s Lyrebird and Marbled Frogmouth inhabit similar wet forest types, have very low reproduction rates an d experience the same threats to their ongoing survival. Both species are identified as needing our assistance under the NSW Government's Saving Our Species program. 

Having the same conservation needs, both birds are considered flagship species. This means they support the conservation of rainforest and associated vegetation type habitat. By managing the habitat of one, we are helping the survival of all other wet forest dependant fauna. 
More on Albert's Lyrebird
For more information about Albert's Lyrebird, watch this "Back from the Brink" video by Natura Pacific. The latest instalment meets Naturalist Jeff Eller at Tamborine Mountain where he shares his passion for this spectacular bird and what work is being done in Qld to help it survive into the future.  
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